Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Reason Why

Small Business MarketingI don’t usually watch television in the morning.  But my husband is a real news junkie and he would have it on 24/7 if I didn’t threaten that my head would explode.  He compromises because I’m guessing he doesn’t want to clean up the mess.

This morning was one of those compromises.  We settled on The Today Show (instead of CNN or MSNBC) as I was running around getting ready to start the fun part of my day – yes, work!

Matt Lauer, Ann Curry and Natalie Morales were chatting about an upcoming segment concerning starting a business in today’s economy.  They asked each other if any of them had ever considered starting their own business.  Each one chimed in with an immediate and resounding “NO!”  I was stunned.

I can’t remember a moment in my life when I didn’t want to run my own business.  Maybe it’s because I grew up with parents who were small business owners.  Maybe it’s because I don’t like playing the games in business.  Maybe it’s just in my DNA.

What I do know is that I love being an entrepreneur.  The whole ‘the buck stops here’ mentality and all that.  When things go well, you can put systems in place so you can repeat your success.  When things go wrong, you can figure out why and fix it.

No finger pointing, no credit stealing, no sabotaging.

You do it until it gets done – right.

We all have our ‘reasons why’.  You just need to make sure your ‘reason why’ is sustainable.

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